This New App Will Change The Way We Give
How the new Oxfam app is allowing people to control and connect to the good they do.
An app launched on January 9th, 2017 in the UK by international charity group, Oxfam, is an industry first. It allows for supporters to personally control the amount they want to donate monthly and how the charity communicates with them.
The app was developed in partnership with the Hi Mum! Said Dad Agency, and was launched simultaneously on iOS and Android platforms. In addition to bringing supporters closer to the charity, the app will feature real-life stories and updates in real-time about humanitarian emergencies and will include video messages from actual Oxfam staff.
The videos are meant to give donors a clearer view of why the organization needs their money, what it is spent on, and the impact the donations have. The Oxfam app allows the charity to build a connection to its supporters, while at the same time allowing donors to be in control and see the good they are doing in the world.
“Feel good” and “make a difference” content is so easy to find on the internet now that Oxfam is not counting on that part of the app to impact current and possible supporters. The real game-changer is going to be the feature that gives donors direct control over donations.
As many people find it hard to commit to direct debit or monthly support, Oxfam’s new app will allow people to dial up or down the amount they give every month (or to not give anything at all when they choose).
It also has a ‘support now’ option that lets users make a one-time donation if they want to give to a specific cause or appeal. The real differentiator is going to be the fact that the app helps develop a tighter supporter-charity relationship, and gives easy access to all the features that users previously manipulated via phone or email, but now from the hand-held comfort of a smartphone.
It will be interesting to see if Oxfam’s street fundraisers (who have been fully briefed about the functions of the app) see an uptick in the number of people signing up to become donors because of the app, as it is much more engaging than the previous model used by charities (basically selling a “product” to potential supporters in exchange for a one-time or a recurring donation).
This innovation will allow people to really connect with the work Oxfam is doing with their money and hopefully will inspire more people to support their work around the world.