True Colors, That’s Why I Love You
What do your brand colors say?
Have you ever wondered why companies use certain brand colors for their logos? Or why certain products suddenly sell better when they are packaged differently? It has to do with color psychology, an understanding of what makes us tick, color-wise. A great example of this is Apple’s use of white in all of its must-have products: the I-pod, I-phone, accessories, etc. The color white gives them a minimalist, modern feel, and they pretty much just look cool. This was not a willy-nilly decision. Colors SAY things to people, and while that may vary by culture or country, you should always put some time and thought into deciding what colors to use for your brand. And put MORE time and thought into the “personality” of your brand. That is where color-association comes in handy.
What do you want to express to your clients with your color-scheme? Let’s say you’re young and hip and want to open a vegan/vegetarian/raw food/gluten-free type café or restaurant. What colors should you use? Green is probably your first thought. And that is good, because it is a great color to communicate freshness and health. It also helps people relax and maybe stay a little while longer to order dessert and coffee. Brown tones or wood accents help the atmosphere feel natural and woodsy, and are obviously a good combination with green (trees, hello). Other great options for a vegetable-based restaurant are earth tones, such as variations of red, like terra-cotta or squash-like colors. They make people think of fresh vegetables, a great thing for a vegetarian restaurant. Another useful color in hip restaurants is silver. It modernizes a space without making it feel cold and clinical, like white can sometimes do. So, consider the “personality” of your business and get ready to help people eat their veggies, and like them!